Huru Kits: An Effective and Innovative Approach to Tackling Period Poverty In Kenya

Every month, approximately one million girls in Kenya miss school because they don’t have regular access to safe menstrual products. This lack of basic necessities not only affects their education but also hinders their personal progress and growth. At Huru International, we believe every girl deserves the chance to manage her period with dignity and continue her education uninterrupted. That's why we developed the Huru Kit, an innovative solution to tackle period poverty in Kenya.

What's Inside a Huru Kit?

Each Huru Kit, housed in a vibrant drawstring backpack, contains everything a girl needs take care of her period safely for two years: six reusable sanitary pads, three pairs of underwear, soap, storage bags, and a menstrual health booklet.

How Huru Kits Are Made?

Our Huru Kits are a labor of love, handcrafted at our Global Headquarters in Nairobi by local women who understand the impact of period poverty firsthand. Our local teams source the best materials, ensuring each pad is comfortable, durable, and, most importantly, reusable. Sustainability is not an afterthought—it's at the forefront of what we do. And as each kit comes to life, jobs are created, families are boosted, and communities are strengthened.

The Science Behind Huru's Reusable Menstrual Pads

The star of the Huru Kit is the Huru reusable sanitary pad. Crafted with the latest science and technology, each Huru pad is designed to provide maximum absorbency and leak-proof protection, addressing the key issues of period poverty.

1. Top Layer: The top layers of the reusable sanitary pad are made of moisture-wicking fabrics that keep the skin dry and prevent irritation. This ensures a comfortable and worry-free experience for the girl.

2. Middle Layer: The middle layers are made of high-absorbency microfibers. These materials are capable of retaining a significant amount of liquid, preventing discomfort and leakage, which is essential for girls to stay in school and focus on learning.

3. Bottom Layer: The bottom layers are made of waterproof materials that prevent leaks and keep the pad in place. This layer gives her the confidence to move freely without worrying about stains.

From the cutting of the fabric to the sewing of the layers, each step of the process of helps create a Huru pad that is high-quality, leak-proof, and comfortable, ensuring girls in Kenya can manage their periods without worry and continue their education uninterrupted for two years or more.

The Impact of the Huru Kit on Girls' Education in Kenya

The Huru Kit is more than just a collection of period care products. It's a tool for empowerment, a passport to education, and a catalyst for change. By addressing the urgent need for period products, we're giving girls the freedom to stay in school during their periods, helping to break the cycle of poverty and opening up a world of opportunities.

By investing in a Huru Kit, you're not just making a donation; you're investing in a girl's future. Together, we can ensure no girl in Kenya is limited by her period, and that period poverty becomes a thing of the past.


Schools and Teachers: The Unsung Heroes in the Fight Against Period Poverty


Addressing Period Poverty: Empowering Young Girls in Kenya